
February 15 Daily Devotional

What is Man?

Peter G. Feenstra

“What is man, that You should exalt him, that You should set Your heart on him?” (Job 7:17)

Bible Reading

Job 7:7–21


“What is man, that You should exalt him, that You should set your heart on him...?” This question sounds very similar to the words spoken by David in Psalm 8:4, “What is man that You are mindful of him…?” Yet the circumstances of the two men are radically different. David, contemplating God’s ways with His people, is surprised that the majestic Lord and Creator of heaven and earth would take man and crown him with glory and honour. Within the vastness of the universe mankind is small and insignificant. Why should God consider man, much less care for him?

David confesses the exalted position human beings have been given over all other creatures. But Job wonders what purpose God has with human beings that He would have Job on His mind and would want to test him. He feels targeted. What is man? Why does God make so much of him and give him so much attention? He asks, “Will you never look away from me, or let me alone even for an instant?” (NIV) Is he under the watchful eye of God because he has sinned?

“What is man?” is a very basic question. Why does the Lord pay so much attention to us? The question Job asked in weakness, as he struggled with questions of human suffering, is perfected by our Lord Jesus Christ. In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus is greatly distressed and troubled. In a manner of speaking, His anguished cry is: “What is man? Why do you give him so much attention? Father, if it be Your will let this cup pass from me.” Christ assumed our flesh and blood so that He might create a new mankind and restore Paradise. All things of the world to come will be placed under man’s dominion. Jesus died for Job’s sake and for ours, so that from the perspective of God’s covenant we might learn to know who we are as His creatures. We are nothing in ourselves, because we are sinners, but in Christ we are a people being restored to a most wonderful and honourable position.

Let us learn to know our place as we look at who we are in the vastness of creation, but also when the Lord tests us. God’s eye was on Job, as it is on us, because of His great love for lost sinners! What is man? We are what we are because of what Christ has done for us! We are a new mankind, redeemed and chosen to everlasting life.

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