
June 22 Daily Devotional

Sit, Listen and Take up Your Cross

Peter G. Feenstra

“And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.” Luke 14:27

Bible Reading

Luke 14:25–33


As true disciples of Jesus we are to take up our cross and follow Him. Jesus warns, “And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.” Cross-bearing is not the same as having to cope with a problem such as a sickness or disease. Unbelievers suffer under these burdens, too. Jesus Himself shows us what it means to bear a cross. Obedient to the will of His heavenly Father, He accepts misunderstanding, misrepresentation, an unfair trial, and finally, death.

Cross-bearing is associated with conversion. Those who seek their life in Christ must crucify their old nature! Cross-bearers are instructed to follow Christ, making the changes He requires of them. That may mean being ridiculed, imprisoned and killed. Christ warns each of us: don’t think you are my disciple or a true Christian simply by being a member of a church! If that’s the extent of your Christianity and discipleship you are like the man who builds a tower but gets no further than pouring the foundations. Christ asks more. He wants the love of our hearts, a love which will do anything for Him.

Discipleship is a total commitment. Disciples get to work with the textbook of Christ as their manual. They listen to Christ and follow His instruction. Taking up our cross, we are prepared to give up everything for Christ’s sake. It may mean having to make some radical changes in our home, choice of entertainment and daily routines. It may involve having to break off a relationship or friendship for Christ’s sake.

Being in a relationship with Christ I need to count the costs of being a disciple. If I rush through my personal and family devotions now, because it interferes with my important schedule, what effect will that have? If I don’t listen to Christ’s teaching for marriage, family life, business, and with regard to my responsibility as being a member of His church, I cannot claim to be a disciple. Being a true disciple I must first sit at His feet and listen. I must take up my cross and follow Him wherever He leads me. I can only claim the gospel of Christ’s sin-forgiving grace if I am willing to accept the consequences of being His disciple. As a follower of Christ I express my love to God, being willing to do or give up everything for the Lord’s sake.

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