
July 5 Daily Devotional

Christ’s Pastoral Shepherding

Peter G. Feenstra

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. John 10:11

Bible Reading

John 10:11–21


It is such an indescribable blessing to know Christ as the loving Shepherd of His sheep. His pastoral care is amazing! Jesus knows us all by name and cares for all our individual and personal needs. He cares for the health and well-being of the entire flock. He wants to have His sheep live in peace, a peace which passes all understanding.

Christ’s love for the sheep is so strong that He willingly gives His life for our safety. This is why He says in the last part of verse 11, “The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.” The word ‘for’ as used in this phrase has various shades of meaning in the Greek language—it can mean “instead of” and “for the benefit of.” The good shepherd lays down His life for the benefit of the sheep. The only way He can truly benefit the sheep is by dying instead of them.

Jesus’ death for His sheep is an act of pastoral love. He does not die as a brave and heroic martyr but as the atoning sacrifice for sin. Those who by nature deserve to be thrown out of the fold can stay because their sins are covered through the redeeming work of the Shepherd. He gives His life for those who have been given to Him by the Father. Through His death on the cross He gains the right to purchase the sheep.

Belonging to His flock we are comforted both in life and death. The Good Shepherd will take care of all our needs even when we least expect it, even when our hearts are filled with doubts and we are not very confident that He can really help us. He goes ahead of us, leading us by His Spirit across the crevices and rocky ground of life’s experiences to the green pastures of His Word. Our Shepherd provides us with life and access to every blessing. He disciplines us with His rod and staff to keep us on the straight and narrow path.

Sheep can be uncooperative and stubborn. It is not a compliment to be like sheep, but it is to our great comfort that we are under the watchful eye of the Good Shepherd! Look to Jesus every day and moment of your life. He stands before you with outstretched arms. He knows you in all your struggles, sorrow and weaknesses. Your Shepherd is willing and able to help you through every difficulty.

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