
August 23 Daily Devotional

Comfort in His Love

Peter G. Feenstra

Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy ... Philippians 2:1

Bible Reading

Philippians 2:1–11


Philippians 2:1 gives four incentives for unity in the body of Christ. The first is encouragement. The second incentive amplifies the first: we receive comfort in Christ’s love. Since there is comfort in His love, believers must show unity and work together in a spirit of harmony. The word “comfort” expresses the idea of speaking to someone by coming close to his side, and always in a friendly way. Christ has come to our side and shown the depth of His love for us through His death on the cross. He comforts and encourages us in ways that go beyond human comprehension. Since we know of Christ’s mercy and compassion whereby He has come to our side, we must express our gratitude by striving for unity with God’s people. If we do not seek unity, that will have its effect on our relationship with Christ.

The encouragement we have in Christ and the comfort of His love are orchestrated and arranged through the Holy Spirit. We can only be of one mind when we are in the fellowship of the Spirit. A stronger word for fellowship is communion. Communion is the close relationship which exists between believers, worked through the Spirit. The Spirit gives the Philippians (and us) the strength to love each other, the courage to seek the interests of others. Communion in the congregation is created by the Spirit. This is why the apostle Paul says, “If you belong to that communion and fellowship brought into existence by the Holy Spirit (and you do), and since you as a result enjoy communion and fellowship with one another, then live accordingly.” The unity of the church is the unity of the Spirit. He is the source of unity. Dissension and friction disrupt (quench) what the Holy Spirit is doing in the congregation.

When you are in the fellowship and communion of the Spirit you will feel the warmth of His affection. He displays to us the compassion and mercy of God who takes pity on lost sinners. He works in us an affection and longing for the Lord and for each other.

Comforted by Christ’s love, as experienced in the communion of the Spirit, let us pray for the unity of the church. Praying for unity means that we get out of our comfort zone and get rid of our own selfish agenda. We will come alongside each other with expressions of genuine affection.

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