
April 30 Daily Devotional

The Heavenly Inheritance

Frans Bakker

The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance. —Psalm 16:5a

Bible Reading

Psalm 16:1–6


Would you not be happy if you unexpectedly heard that you were allotted an inheritance? Let us say that you would receive such a substantial inheritance that for the rest of your life you would have no financial concerns. Let us also assume that this inheritance would be an absolute favor from the one who made the will, so that you, as the heir, would have to say, “I have not deserved anything of it.” Along with that, let us imagine that this inheritance would make you perfectly happy on earth and would give you everything your heart would desire.

Yet, all this cannot be compared to the inheritance that God gives to His people. Even if we would be heir to the richest man in the world, our wealth would only be temporal. Apart from this we truly question whether earthly riches can even give a crumb of true happiness.

Over and above an earthly inheritance, there is a heavenly inheritance the Lord gives. It is an inheritance which lasts forever, and it gives eternal happiness. It is an inheritance which the heir can never lose, not even by death, for the Lord Himself preserves this inheritance.

What do you think? Would a heavenly inheritance not be better than an earthly inheritance? Just the hope of this heavenly inheritance gives the heirs so much joy while still living on earth that they would not want to exchange it for all the treasures of the world. What glory it will be then when in a short while they will receive the inheritance itself!

This inheritance is a gift of pure grace. It is an absolute favor. These heirs must acknowledge that they have deserved nothing of it. On the contrary, they have grievously forfeited it by their sins. Do you possess such an inheritance? If not, would you like to have it? The Lord is willing to give it freely, but He wants the destitute sinner to plead for it.


From The Everlasting Word by Frans Bakker, compiled and translated by Gerald R. Procee. Reformation Heritage Books and Free Reformed Publications, 2007. Used by permission. For further information, click here.



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