
August 21 Daily Devotional

Peace in Days of Sickness

Frans Bakker

Thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness. —Psalm 41:3b

Bible Reading

Psalm 41


It is precisely in days of sickness that the Lord can be very close. Our text says, “Thou wilt make [or change] all his bed in his sickness.” When the Lord comes, He changes everything, even a sickbed. The Lord takes all your troubles unto Himself. He gives rest and peace, love, and all things that are beneficial. Then the soul is changed; it is renewed. When the lovingkindness of heavenly life is experienced, then sin, the devil, and death are powerless. Nothing can hurt you anymore. You are at peace with your sickbed. You are at peace with the way you must go. You have peace with your neighbor. There is peace with everything, even in the smallest detail, because your peace flows forth from the peace of God laid in your heart.

Man tries to squirm and wriggle himself into a peaceful condition. But he can never bring himself into such a state of peace. He has to learn that this is God’s work. And in himself man can only hinder and obstruct this work of God. Even with his best works he can only stand in God’s way. But wherever God comes and has dealings with the soul, it is always because of God Himself. Then man cannot and will not do anything else than ascribe all his salvation to God.

When man submits to God then there is no more room for doubts, neither any place for unbelief. There will only be assurance. The love of God descends to man and in response the love of God’s child ascends; and upon this ladder of love heaven and earth are united. Such communion of love casts out all fear. All sin and evil become powerless due to communion with the almighty God.

The benefits of sickness will only become greater when man sees their ground and foundation. That is the everlasting love of God revealed in the Savior, Jesus Christ. In his troubles, man experiences a deep bond with the Person of Christ. Christ is seen as the ladder of Jacob through whom one has access to God. The sinner feels himself deeply unworthy of such privileges. But the merits of Christ become most precious to him and he humbles himself at the feet of such a blessed Mediator.

It is here, at the feet of Jesus, that the hungry ones are filled, the sick are nursed, and He eases their pains and discomforts. Even on a sickbed all things are of God and unto God. Do you know of God’s peace in your life, even in the midst of troubles? Know that this is possible, also for you. Peace can never take place because of you, but out of His free grace alone it is available.


From The Everlasting Word by Frans Bakker, compiled and translated by Gerald R. Procee. Reformation Heritage Books and Free Reformed Publications, 2007. Used by permission. For further information, click here.



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