
The New-yeeres Gift

Robert Herrick (1591–1674)

Ordained Servant: January 2014

What to Think about the Pope

Also in this issue

Democracy and the Denigration of Office, Part 1

What to Think of the New Pope

Pierre Viret: The Angel of the Reformation

With All My Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind?

Let others look for Pearle and Gold,
Tissues, or Tabbies manifold:
One onely lock of that sweet Hay
Whereon the blessed Babie lay,
Or one poore Swadling-clout, shall be
The richest New-yeeres Gift to me.

Publication Information

Contact the Editor: Gregory Edward Reynolds

Editorial address: Dr. Gregory Edward Reynolds,
827 Chestnut St.
Manchester, NH 03104-2522
Telephone: 603-668-3069

Electronic mail: reynolds.1@opc.org

Submissions, Style Guide, and Citations


Editorial Policies

Copyright information

Ordained Servant: January 2014

What to Think about the Pope

Also in this issue

Democracy and the Denigration of Office, Part 1

What to Think of the New Pope

Pierre Viret: The Angel of the Reformation

With All My Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind?

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