
April 2 Today in OPC History

1987 Committee on Coordination



On this date in 1987, the members of the Committee on Coordination of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church were Steven F. Miller (Chairman), Howard A. Porter, William Shishko, Arthur J. Schwab, Jonathan D. Male, Mark T. Bube, Peter A. Lillback, John O. Kinnaird and Robert A. Kramm. General Secretaries Roger W. Schmurr (CCE), Donald G. Buchanan (CFM) and George E. Haney (CHMCE) also served as ex offico members. Two years earlier, the Fifty-second (1985) had established the committee to coordinate the strategic planning of the Committees on Christian Education and Home and Foreign Missions. Its stated purpose was to help the church maximize the use of resources to fulfill the respective committees's tasks and to support the ministry of the pastors and sessions in their responsibility to teach and encourage the practice of biblical stewardship in the church.

HomePage Picture: Steve Miller

Picture: Clockwise, Steve Miller, Bill Shishko, Mark Bube, Howard Porter (center), Art Schwab and John Kinnaird (left)



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