
May 7 Today in OPC History

Westminster Seminary and OPC


The graduation ceremonies on May 7, 1952 at Westminster Seminary capped an eventful week in the history of the seminary and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. On the Lord's Day of May 4, the good news reached Philadelphia that Professor Cornelius Van Til, teaching at Calvin College during a sabbatical, had determined to stay at Westminster, having officially turned down a permanent appointment at Calvin College. On Tuesday night, May 6, a retirement dinner was held for Professor R.B. Kuiper, who after twenty years at Westminster was transitioning to Calvin Seminary as its new president. On Wednesday, May 7, future OPC ministers Al Edwards, Ted Hard, C. H. Oliver, and Dale M. Snyder received Bachelor of Divinity degrees, and the Rev. Henry P. Tavares was awarded the Th.M. degree.

Picture: Cornelius Van Til and his son Earl



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