
July 24 Daily Devotional

(Monthly Theme: The Gospel According to Paul)

God and Government

Rev. Andrew Kuyvenhoven

"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." —Romans 13:1

Bible Reading

ROMANS 13:1-7


It has always surprised students of Romans that this section about worldly governments is in the book about the new life and the new world.

In this section we are reminded that God controls our world while working out his plan of salvation. One of the ways in which God exercises his government of the world is through governments: "For there is no authority except that which God has established."

Today hardly anyone can read the principle that all authority is from God without raising a series of buts and howevers. It seems too sweeping and too simple. And it is simple. These seven verses do not include a disĀ­cussion of all the issues that could be raised with respect to government, such as accountability, obedience, and disobedience.

The basic principle is simple and straightforward: God rules through governments. Governors are God's servants for the benefit of citizens. CitiĀ­zens must obey those who govern because it pleases God to rule us through them. For Christians, obedience to government is a matter of reverence for God. If this basic principle is not honored, society becomes impossible.

The Christian community will make no progress in Christian living if it refuses to honor God by obedience to the government. This obedience must show in the way we talk about our elected leaders, obey traffic laws, and fill in tax returns. If we cannot honor God in these little things, God cannot use us for the big things.

Here, then, is a general rule: "There is no authority except from God, and those authorities that exist have been instituted by God." Our obedience is grounded in a teaching that does not allow for exceptions.

Criminal opposition (not legitimate opposition) is rebellion against God. By their obedience to their governments, God's children show respect for God.


What are some specific ways you try to show respect to "governing authorities"?

Andrew Kuyvenhoven's Daylight, a modern devotional classic, was originally published by Paideia Press in 1977. This updated edition is copyright 2009 by Faith Alive Christian Resources. You can order a copy of this revised version of the book directly from the publisher.

A man of many accomplishments, Andrew Kuyvenhoven is probably best known for his contributions to Today (formerly The Family Altar), a widely-used monthly devotional booklet associated with the Back to God Hour. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations for this updated edition of Daylight are from the Holy Bible: Today's New International Version copyright 2001, 2005 by the International Bible Society.



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