
April 11, 2023 News

Disability and the Church

The Ministerial Training Institute of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (MTIOPC) announces that Disability and the Church, taught by the Rev. Stephen J. Tracey, will be offered during the Summer 2023 term.

The course will begin with online reading, writing and video assignments on May 22, 2023. The course includes mandatory Intensive Training sessions, which will be held on July 24 to 27 at Mission OPC in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Non-commuting students will arrive on Monday, July 24 (class begins Monday evening) and leave after class ends on Thursday morning, July 27. (Book return flights for after 1:30 p.m.)

Admission is open to all OPC ministers, ruling elders, licentiates, and men under care. It is also open to members of the OPC who serve in the Christian education or Sunday school ministries in their local congregation. A non-ordained member who wishes to participate needs to be recommended by his or her session in a letter sent to MTIOPC Director Danny Olinger (danny.olinger@opc.org).

Registration deadline is May 19, 2023.

Applications are available at http://www.opc.org/cce/MTI.html.

For more information, contact Judy Alexander, the MTIOPC coordinator, at 407-761-8783 or e-mail alexander.1@opc.org.



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