
January 1997 New Horizons

Two Witnesses



Bill Welzien and His Easel

Bruce Hunt, Witness for Jesus Christ

Tiny Tim

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Bill Welzien and His Easel

Have easel will travel"—that's what the newsletter said. For about two years, I had been thinking about starting open-air preaching here in Santa Cruz, California. So when evangelist Bill Welzien from Key West, Florida, advertised his willingness to travel, I couldn't refuse. The session of Living Hope OPC invited Bill Welzien to come out here for the week of the Fourth of July, when Santa Cruz would be teeming with vacationers. The First Day After much prayer and preparation, we began our week of evangelism on Tuesday, July 2. We set up for our first open-air presentation along the wide sidewalk between the wharf and the boardwalk. (The owners of the boardwalk were unwilling to grant us permission to be on their property.) This seemed like a pretty good location, since many people would be walking along there. We began with prayer, a very real awareness of our own inadequacy, and, speaking for myself, a bit of fear. Bill preached the first message while I watched as people gathered. ... Read more

Bruce Hunt, Witness for Jesus Christ

I still have the Hunt family—Bruce, Kathy, their children and grandchildren—on my list of prayer requests. They told me years ago that I was on theirs. Bruce died in 1992 and Kathy in 1994. Often I talk with Christians who like to witness, and I like to tell them how the great Presbyterian missionary to Korea did it. There is something thrilling about the sources of our faith. I was close to a remarkable Christian missionary for a few years, and his example is worth imitating. I met Bruce Hunt at an Inter-Varsity missions conference held in Urbana, Illinois, during the winter of 1975. This was a large gathering for students who were contemplating missionary service. As a first-year seminary student, I was there as much as a tourist as anything else. One evening, while I was waiting in the cafeteria line for dinner, an ordinary-looking man asked if he could join me. He was of moderate stature, with sandy hair swept across his head. Nothing in his appearance alerted me to the esteem he had ... Read more

Tiny Tim

Editor's note: This month we mark the anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's infamous Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, which overturned states' antiabortion laws and declared abortion to be a woman's constitutional "right." As a reminder of the ongoing slaughter of helpless unborn children, proceeding ruthlessly in amoral hospitals and clinics across our land, million after million, we reprint the following poignant story from Focus on the Family. May God have mercy on our nation and bring an end to this ghastly wickedness. It was a relatively calm day in my hospital's NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). Two other nurses and I were trying to have a conversation amid the customary sounds of ventilators and heart monitors. I was in midsentence when the shrill ring of the red emergency phone halted all conversation. "Come fast," the voice said urgently. "We need a neonatal nurse stat!" Fear gripped my heart as I ran into the delivery room. Instantly, I knew the situation was critical. "What's ... Read more


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