Your website indicates that the OPC has a "relationship of ecclesiastical fellowship" with the RPCNA. I do not know much about the RPCNA. Where did they originate? In what ways do they differ from the OPC?
Though I am presently a minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (or OPC) I did serve for a time as a Pastor in the RPCNA (Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America). This church is one of the oldest Presbyterian bodies in America, much older than the OPC. Both of our churches have nearly identical versions of the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms as doctrinal standards. But the RPCNA also has a Declaration or Testimony which goes beyond these other documents to some extent.
One of the distinctive points for which this denomination is well known is its conviction that only the inspired Psalms of the Bible should be sung in Christian worship, and that they should be sung without instrumental accompaniment. This, of course, was the original practice of Presbyterian Churches from the time of the Reformation until the mid 18th century. But the RPCNA is one of the few churches today that still adheres to this practice. You can learn much more about this church that we have warm fraternal relations with by going to their web site. It is at
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