
May 31 Daily Devotional

Come to Me for Rest

Peter G. Feenstra

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Bible Reading

Matthew 11:25–30


When Jesus says, “Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest,” He voices the greatest invitation you will ever hear. If a child is hurting and a mother says, “Come to me,” the child trusts things will soon be better; the burden is removed!

We do not go to a Jesus of our own construction. We come to the One who carried our sorrows and is acquainted with our grief. We come to Him who was despised and rejected, a Saviour who does not keep us at a distance. We come to Him who conquered sin and is victorious over death. The Lord Jesus knows the burdens that have come upon us because of sin. He knows our weariness and the hardships we face because we have departed from the path of love and truth. Jesus is fully aware of everything we have done and everything we experience. Thankfully and miraculously, He does not tell us to go away and figure things out for ourselves. He says, “Come to Me, your Saviour, and I will lift your burdens and provide you with rest!”

The Lord Jesus knows exactly what our burdens are and He knows that we will never find rest if we are not released from them. Think of all the things that threaten to crush us and weigh us down. We feel the weight of burdens in our relationships—misunderstandings, hard feelings, agitations, annoyances and disappointments in our families and in our marriages. There is the burden of never feeling accepted in the family or in the church community. We carry the great burden of seeing our loved ones suffer. There is the hardship of loneliness and the weariness of attempting to fit in with peers. There is the burden of fear and anxiety, of restlessness and feeling hopeless. Sometimes our burdens are self-inflicted and at other times they are brought on by others.

Which person has no burdens, weariness, anxiety or fear? Let’s look away from ourselves and stop trying to find our own man-made solutions to problems that are beyond us. Come to Jesus and find rest! As we come to Him we will be released of all burdens. When our life is in Him there is nothing that can disturb our rest or take away our joy. Let us keep looking to the Lord Jesus and find rest in Him, the Lord of rest.

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