
February 3 Daily Devotional


Frans Bakker

And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them.—Luke 2:51

Bible Reading

Luke 2:46–52


Very little is known about the boyhood of the Lord Jesus. What we do know is that from the beginning of His earthly life, He was Surety of His people. From His conception to His burial He was Mediator. This was necessary for God’s plan of redemption for mankind.

“He was subject unto them.” The child Jesus was subject to Joseph and Mary. Although His earthly parents were both sinful people, Jesus obeyed them. We clearly see how deep the Son of God humbled Himself. Not only was He obedient to His divine Father, but He also obeyed Joseph and his tutelage in the carpenter’s shop. He placed Himself under Mary’s motherly care as well.

We can grasp the obedience of Jesus to His heavenly Father. But who can understand His earthly obedience? How can the very Son of God submit Himself to the demands of His sinful, earthly parents? What a great humiliation is observed! Jesus’ purpose on earth was not to rule as King but rather to be a servant. Even among His own disciples He took the lowest place when He washed their feet. Truly, He could say, “Learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart” (Matt. 11:29).

At times we can discuss the things that are necessary to live and die happily, but subjection is also one of the things we must know in our lives. And this is precisely the thing we so often forget and we so often like to forget, because with subjection man himself has to bow down very low.

Jesus was subject to His parents. In doing so He accepted God’s ordinances over His life. In this obedience He was consequently submissive to His divine Father. This was the obedience necessary for a Surety, who came to fulfill the law of God. He did not place Himself above the law but He subjected Himself to it. He did this all so that we could live with Him forever. He was born of a woman, born under the law. He was obedient to death and the grave. He had to do this for disobedient ones. Have you already given this name to yourself? Have you recognized your disobedience to God and to people? Recognize your disobedience and call upon Him who alone can save you!


From The Everlasting Word by Frans Bakker, compiled and translated by Gerald R. Procee. Reformation Heritage Books and Free Reformed Publications, 2007. Used by permission. For further information, click here.



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