
May 13 Daily Devotional

The Olive Leaf

Frans Bakker

And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf plucked off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth. —Genesis 8:11

Bible Reading

Genesis 8:1–12


Noah had been in the ark for many months. The earth was flooded and the ark had now run aground on Mount Ararat. After some time, Noah opened the window of the ark and let out a dove. At the end of the day, the dove returned. In its beak it had a leaf. A mere leaf seems to be very insignificant but this leaf was very special for Noah. Now Noah knew that trees were starting to grow again on the earth. That leaf was a message from God, saying, “Noah, there is a future for you; My promises will stand.”

This is how the Lord comforts His people. He comforts them through little things. How many olive leaves have been in your life? At first glance, they may seem insignificant. Others laugh about these little matters. They may ignore them but when God reveals His grace in little things one receives much comfort. For instance, the apostle Paul had a difficult time in Macedonia. Titus paid him a visit and Paul wrote, “God comforted me by the coming of Titus.” It was a little matter, but it meant so much for Paul.

In life, a simple postcard or even a handshake can mean so much. God glorifies Himself by little things. These little things are beautiful because God’s child realizes they are from God. Do you notice these little things?

Unconverted friend, here lies a message also for you. How many times has God sought you out? How many callings of the Lord have you rejected in your life? If you remain unconverted in the day of days, you will have to answer to the Judge for your refusal to answer to the God of heaven.

God sends little olive leaves to every one of us because God has dealings with all of us. They are signs that God has no pleasure in our death. The olive leaves are little tokens of God’s kindness. Look around you! It is as if the stones on the ground testify against you, that you have no peace with God. The leaves of the trees, created by God’s goodness, testify against you that you have no peace with God. Have you never recognized that we are at war with God? Yet God comes to us with so many tokens of His lovingkindness. And all God’s tokens should lead us to fall on our faces in humility, repentance, and thankfulness. Will this not humble you? Realize who you are in comparison to the goodness of God. Blessed are those who are humbled by God’s spirit. The Lord will glorify His grace in their lives.


From The Everlasting Word by Frans Bakker, compiled and translated by Gerald R. Procee. Reformation Heritage Books and Free Reformed Publications, 2007. Used by permission. For further information, click here.



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