
December 12 Daily Devotional

Prayer Answered

Frans Bakker

Thy prayer is heard. —Luke 1:13b

Bible Reading

Luke 1:11–17


Zachariah received a confirmation from heaven that his prayer had been heard. If Zachariah would have asked, “Which prayer?” it would not have been out of order, for the prayer of which the angel speaks is no longer in his heart.

Zachariah and Elisabeth prayed together for a child of their own when Elisabeth was still young enough to bear children, but now she is “old and well stricken in years,” so what could they expect? The Lord will surely not grant them their request; that is out of the question now. So they accept their barrenness. Their faith is still strong. They are not bitter against the Lord, for we read that they are both righteous before God, and walk in all the commandments of the Lord. It is grace to hold on to God even if our ways and longings are different from what we desire. Then it is clear if we are satisfied with the Lord Himself.

But now, when Zachariah and Elisabeth do not expect that their request will be granted anymore and their prayers have ceased concerning this subject, then they receive this heavenly message that their prayers are answered. They had both come to an end with this prayer, but the Lord starts a new beginning. This is a miracle of God, and they realize that it is not because of their prayers, but because of God’s undeserved mercy toward them. The Lord uses their prayers, but not until after they stop praying is He pleased to answer their prayers, so it would become evident that it is a miracle of the Lord Himself.

Now, when they are well stricken in years, they will receive a child who will not only give much joy to them, but also to the entire church of God. “Thy prayer is heard.” Even after their prayers have ceased! There are petitions that are no longer sent up. There may be requests from the past that were never granted, but the Lord does not forget His praying children.


From The Everlasting Word by Frans Bakker, compiled and translated by Gerald R. Procee. Reformation Heritage Books and Free Reformed Publications, 2007. Used by permission. For further information, click here.



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