
April 20 Today in OPC History

Presbytery of Ohio



On April 20, 1964, the Presbytery of Ohio at its Spring stated meeting overtured the Thirty-first General Assembly. The overture requested that presbyteries ascertain from sessions their practice concerning the recognition of members of the Masonic Lodge as ordained office-bearers and the reception of members of the Masonic Lodge into membership in the church. The overture further requested that presbyteries submit their findings by the end of the fiscal year to a committee of the General Assembly erected to study these practices in the light of Scripture and the subordinate standards.

Eight days later, the Thirty-first General Assembly meeting in Silver Spring, Maryland, assigned the overture to the Committee on Overtures and Communications. On behalf of the Committee, the Rev. Lawrence R. Eyres explained that the Committee believed that a great deal had already been written in the history of the OPC on the subject of Masonry at the general assembly level. Further, the Committee judged that the cause of truth would not be forwarded by additional administrative declarations, and that the proper procedure should be to deal with this matter judicially. The Committee's recommendation to take no action passed. The Rev. Robert L. Atwell and the Rev. Calvin K. Cummings, both ministerial members of the Presbytery of Ohio, had their votes against the Assembly's taking no action recorded.

Picture: Cal Cummings



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