
May 2 Today in OPC History

Gregory Reynolds


On this day, Gregory Reynolds was ordained and installed as Associate Pastor of the Franklin Square OPC in Franklin Square, New York. Mr. Reynolds call was to labor with a mission group in New Rochelle, New York. Richard Gerber, pastor of Westminster OPC in Hamden, Connecticut, moderated the meeting for the Presbytery of New York and New England. John Skilton preached the installation sermon and Robert Godfrey delivered the charge to Mr. Reynolds.

Picture: Installation of Greg Reynolds (center kneeling) on May 2, 1980, from left to right, Jack Dowling, unidentified, Dick Gerber, Tony Van Brakel, Martin Dawson, Bob Godfrey, James Payton, Cal Busch, Ralph Spiller, John Skilton, Robert Wallace, Herb Muether, Fred Quenser.



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