
Book Reviews by TitleReviews by AuthorReviews by Reviewed Date

Peter J. Leithart: 1 and 2 Kings - February 22, 2009 Reviewed by: John R. Muether

Tony Reinke: 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You - February 04, 2018 Reviewed by: T. David Gordon

Lydia Brownback: 1–2 Peter: Living Hope in a Hard World - November 07, 2021 Reviewed by: Judith Dinsmore

Leland Ryken: 40 Favorite Hymns on the Christian Life: A Closer Look at their Spiritual and Poetic Meaning - September 08, 2019 Reviewed by: Stephen A. Pribble & Timothy P. Shafer

Jenny-Lyn de Klerk: 5 Puritan Women: Portraits of Faith and Love - April 21, 2024 Reviewed by: Elizabeth Downs

Anthony Selvaggio: 7 Toxic Ideas Polluting Your Mind - September 09, 2012 Reviewed by: Reid Hankins

Herman Bavinck: Reformed Ethics, vol. 2, The Duties of the Christian Life - December 18, 2022 Reviewed by: David VanDrunen

David VanDrunen: A Biblical Case for Natural Law - December 16, 2007 Reviewed by: Nelson D. Kloosterman

Robert Letham: A Christian's Pocket Guide to Baptism - March 03, 2013 Reviewed by: Daniel J. Dillard

Alec Motyer: A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Loving the Old Testament - June 04, 2017 Reviewed by: William M. Hobbs

Theodore Beza: A Clear and Simple Treatise on the Lord’s Supper - September 03, 2017 Reviewed by: Glen J. Clary

William Boekestein: A Colorful Past: A Coloring Book of Church History - March 17, 2019 Reviewed by: Jonathan L. Cruse

Bruce K. Waltke: A Commentary on Micah - April 06, 2008 Reviewed by: James J. Cassidy

Leland Ryken: A Complete Handbook of Literary Forms in the Bible - May 15, 2016 Reviewed by: Susan M. Felch

Michael A. G. Haykin: A Consuming Fire: The Piety of Alexander Whyte - March 09, 2008 Reviewed by: William M. Hobbs

Danny E. Olinger: A Geerhardus Vos Anthology - July 23, 2006 Reviewed by: Sinclair B. Ferguson

Jennifer E. Ploegman: A Higher Trust - November 23, 2008 Reviewed by: Kathleen Winslow

John M. Frame: A History of Western Philosophy and Theology - April 23, 2017 Reviewed by: Richard M. Gamble

Glenda Mathes: A Month of Sundays: - November 17, 2013 Reviewed by: Curtis Moleterno

Megan Hill: A Place to Belong - May 16, 2021 Reviewed by: Aijalon B. Church

D. Patrick Ramsey: A Portrait of Christ - June 08, 2014 Reviewed by: Iain A. M. Wright

Joel R. Beeke & Mark Jones: A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life - January 19, 2014 Reviewed by: Michael W. Bobick

David B. Calhoun: A Sheep Remembers - January 30, 2022 Reviewed by: Danny E. Olinger

George M. Marsden: A Short Life of Jonathan Edwards - October 25, 2009 Reviewed by: Barry Waugh

Larry Woiwode: A Step from Death: A Memoir - November 08, 2009 Reviewed by: Diane Olinger

G. I. Williamson: A Study of Biblical Eschatology - October 05, 2015 Reviewed by: Archibald A. Allison

Bennett W. Rogers: A Tender Lion: The Life, Ministry, and Message of J. C. Ryle - October 06, 2019 Reviewed by: DeLacy A. Andrews Jr.

Franciscus Junius: A Treatise on True Theology - March 01, 2015 Reviewed by: John V. Fesko

Derek W. H. Thomas: Acts - April 08, 2012 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

Guy Prentiss Waters: Acts (EP Study Commentary) - May 07, 2017 Reviewed by: Michael J. Matossian

Kenneth Moody Stuart: Alexander Moody Stuart: A Memoir - July 21, 2024 Reviewed by: Derrick B. Leitão

Peggy Noll: Alphabet of Bible Creatures: Considering God in His Creation - December 02, 2018 Reviewed by: Lois Sorkness

Mark A. Noll: America's God: From Jonathan Edwards to Abraham Lincoln - December 10, 2006 Reviewed by: Christopher L. Spiker

Nancy Gorrell: Anna Banana - May 04, 2008 Reviewed by: Erin Livingston

Susan Olasky: Annie Henry (Adventures in the American Revolution) - February 03, 2013 Reviewed by: Joanie Doe

Simonetta Carr: Anselm of Canterbury - June 15, 2014 Reviewed by: Cynthia Rowland

Mark Jones: Antinomianism: Reformed Theology's Unwelcome Guest? - March 15, 2015 Reviewed by: Jeremiah Montgomery

R.C. Sproul: Are We Together? A Protestant Analyzes Roman Catholicism - June 23, 2013 Reviewed by: Camden M. Bucey

Roger E. Olson: Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities - December 09, 2007 Reviewed by: Carl R. Trueman

Paul Munson & Joshua Farris Drake: Art and Music: A Student's Guide - April 26, 2015 Reviewed by: Alan D. Strange

Mark Ward: Authorized: The Use and Misuse of the King James Bible - January 13, 2019 Reviewed by: Calvin R. Goligher

Simonetta Carr: B. B. Warfield - December 27, 2020 Reviewed by: Charlotte Van Dixhoorn

David F. Wright, Ed.: Baptism: Three Views - February 13, 2011 Reviewed by: Glen J. Clary

Various Authors: Basics of the Reformed Faith - May 24, 2009 Reviewed by: James W. Scott

Jonathan Gibson: Be Thou My Vision: A Liturgy for Daily Worship - October 09, 2022 Reviewed by: Nicholas J. Thompson

D. A. Carson: Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church - January 28, 2007 Reviewed by: David K. Thompson

D. G. Hart: Benjamin Franklin: Cultural Protestant - April 17, 2022 Reviewed by: George Marsden

Mark Vander Hart: Bible Studies on Joseph and Judah - June 06, 2010 Reviewed by: Charles Telfer

Bible Works LLC: BibleWorks 8 - September 27, 2009 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox, G. I. Williamson

Bible Works LLC: BibleWorks 9 - October 23, 2011 Reviewed by: Arthur Fox

Stanley E. Porter & Beth M. Stovell, Ed.: Biblical Hermeneutics: Five Views - November 24, 2013 Reviewed by: William D. Dennison

Geerhardus Vos: Biblical Theology - February 01, 2015 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

Sinclair B. Ferguson: By Grace Alone - March 13, 2011 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

Simonetta Carr: Byang Kato - April 16, 2023 Reviewed by: Tiffany Ward

George M. Marsden: C. S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity: A Biography - April 29, 2018 Reviewed by: John R. Muether

Michael Brown, Ed.: Called to Serve: Essays for Elders and Deacons - November 30, 2008 Reviewed by: Zachary R. Keele

Ryan Kelly: Calls to Worship, Invocations, and Benedictions - July 09, 2023 Reviewed by: George R. Cottende

Bruce Gordon: Calvin - March 07, 2010 Reviewed by: David Booth

Richard A. Muller: Calvin and the Reformed Tradition - December 29, 2013 Reviewed by: Samuel Rodriguez

Michael Horton: Calvin on the Christian Life: Glorying and Enjoying God Forever - January 17, 2016 Reviewed by: Christopher Chelpka

Mark J. Larson: Calvin’s Doctrine of the State - October 18, 2009 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

Nathaniel S. McFetridge: Calvinism in History - May 22, 2005 Reviewed by: Arthur Fox

Chandler Fozard: Changed behind Bars: The History of My Redemption - April 18, 2010 Reviewed by: John O. Kinnaird

Paul C. Gutjahr: Charles Hodge: Guardian of American Orthodoxy - November 04, 2012 Reviewed by: Alan D. Strange

Andrew Hoffecker: Charles Hodge: The Pride of Princeton - October 14, 2012 Reviewed by: Barry Waugh

Philip Henry: Christ All in All: What Christ Is Made to Believers - August 27, 2017 Reviewed by: Ryan M. McGraw

John Flavel: Christ and His Threefold Office - October 30, 2022 Reviewed by: A. Craig Troxel

Gordon J. Keddie: Christ's Covenant and Your Life - November 11, 2012 Reviewed by: Samuel Rodriguez

John Flavel : Christ: Humbled yet Exalted - June 05, 2022 Reviewed by: James A. La Belle

Peter H. Holtvlüwer, Ed.: Christ’s Psalms, Our Psalms—Study Resource - February 07, 2021 Reviewed by: Larry E. Wilson

Leland Ryken: Christian Guides to the Classics - May 11, 2014 Reviewed by: Anne Shaw

J. Gresham Machen: Christianity and Liberalism: Legacy Edition - October 20, 2019 Reviewed by: Victoria Van Dixhoorn

J. van Genderen & W. H. Velema: Concise Reformed Dogmatics - November 27, 2011 Reviewed by: Mark A. Garcia

Joel R. Beeke and William Boekestein: Contending for the Faith - October 23, 2022 Reviewed by: Linda Finlayson

John R. Muether: Cornelius Van Til: Reformed Apologist and Churchman - December 07, 2008 Reviewed by: L. Anthony Curto

Wayne Grudem: Countering the Claims of Evangelical Feminism - January 06, 2008 Reviewed by: James W. Scott

Jason Helopoulos: Covenantal Baptism - August 28, 2022 Reviewed by: Larry Wilson

Kevin DeYoung: Crazy Busy - May 18, 2014 Reviewed by: Paul Browne

Frank Schaeffer: Crazy for God - August 23, 2009 Reviewed by: Gregory E. Reynolds

William Edgar: Created and Creating: A Biblical Theology of Culture - May 13, 2018 Reviewed by: Clifford L. Blair

Devon Provencher: Creation - February 12, 2023 Reviewed by: Becky Hartlaub

Michael R. Emlet: CrossTalk: Where Life and Scripture Meet - September 12, 2010 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

D. G. Hart: Damning Words: The Life and Religious Times of H. L. Mencken - December 17, 2017 Reviewed by: David P. Nakhla

James N. Anderson: David Hume - March 28, 2021 Reviewed by: Alan D. Strange

J. V. Fesko: Death in Adam, Life in Christ: The Doctrine of Imputation - April 01, 2018 Reviewed by: Joseph W. Smith III

Bill Davis: Departing in Peace: Biblical Decision-Making at the End of Life - December 09, 2018 Reviewed by: David M. VanDrunen

Matthew H. Patton: Deuteronomy: A 12-Week Study - November 04, 2018 Reviewed by: Charles B. Williams

Sinclair B. Ferguson: Devoted to God: Blueprints for Sanctification - September 17, 2017 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

Donald K. McKim, Ed.: Dictionary of Major Biblical Interpreters - June 15, 2008 Reviewed by: Danny E. Olinger

David B. Garner, Ed.: Did God Really Say? - January 27, 2013 Reviewed by: James W. Scott

Barbara Hughes: Disciplines of a Godly Woman - May 27, 2007 Reviewed by: Jocilyn Warren

Philip Graham Ryken: Discovering God in the Stories from the Bible - December 19, 2010 Reviewed by: John Currie

Ligon Duncan: Does Grace Grow Best in Winter? - April 11, 2010 Reviewed by: Brent C. Evans

Darby A. Strickland: Domestic Abuse: Recognize, Respond, Rescue - January 31, 2021 Reviewed by: Joseph W. Smith III

Ken Golden: Eating and Drinking with God - November 21, 2021 Reviewed by: Ken B. Montgomery

Douglas Sean O’Donnell: Ecclesiastes - November 06, 2016 Reviewed by: Danny E. Olinger

Bryan D. Estelle: Echoes of Exodus: Tracing a Biblical Motif - April 21, 2019 Reviewed by: Thomas A. Martin

Lucy S. R. Austen: Elisabeth Elliot: A Life - September 29, 2024 Reviewed by: Ann Hart

S. M. Baugh: Ephesians - October 02, 2022 Reviewed by: Danny Olinger

Herman Bavinck: Essays on Religion, Science, and Society - November 22, 2009 Reviewed by: Cliff L. Blair

Iain M. Duguid: Esther and Ruth - November 05, 2006 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

Lydia Brownback: Esther: The Hidden Hand of God - March 07, 2021 Reviewed by: Laurie Tricarico

Wayne Grudem: Evangelical Feminism and Biblical Truth - November 26, 2006 Reviewed by: George W. Knight III

Donald K. McKim: Everyday Prayer with John Calvin - June 07, 2020 Reviewed by: G. Mark Sumpter

Daniel Nayeri: Everything Sad Is Untrue (a true story) - April 30, 2023 Reviewed by: Emma Nakhla

William VanDoodewaard: Exegetical Lectures and Sermons on Hebrews - May 03, 2020 Reviewed by: Alan D. Strange

David Strain: Expository Preaching - July 10, 2022 Reviewed by: Dale A. Van Dyke

L. Charles Jackson: Faith of Our Fathers: A Study of the Nicene Creed - February 07, 2010 Reviewed by: Dan Dillard

Don Kistler, Ed.: Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching - June 18, 2006 Reviewed by: Larry Wilson

Peter Orr: Fight for Your Pastor - August 27, 2023 Reviewed by: Mark McConnell

Henry Chadwick and others: Five Books on Augustine - February 20, 2011 Reviewed by: Gregory E. Reynolds

Rosaria Butterfield: Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age - April 28, 2024 Reviewed by: Joseph W. Smith III

Ralph C. Wood: Flannery O'Connor and the Christ-Haunted South - February 15, 2009 Reviewed by: Danny E. Olinger

Davis A. Young: For Me to Live Is Christ: The Life of Edward J. Young - July 01, 2018 Reviewed by: Thomas S. Champness, Jr.

Stephen J. Nichols: For Us and for Our Salvation - September 28, 2008 Reviewed by: Jack W. Sawyer

Lane G. Tipton: Foundations of Covenant Theology - October 04, 2020 Reviewed by: C. Adam Ostella

Murray, Luther, Jewett, Ridderbos: Four Commentaries on Romans - October 30, 2011 Reviewed by: Marcus A. Mininger

John Coffey: Four Favorites by John Coffey - December 30, 2012 Reviewed by: Charles Jackson

Davis, Wallace, Old, Horton: Four Favorites on Worship - January 20, 2013 Reviewed by: Larry E. Wilson

David C. Innes: Francis Bacon - October 11, 2020 Reviewed by: James S. Gidley

Barry Hankins: Francis Schaeffer and the Shaping of Evangelical America - January 03, 2010 Reviewed by: Gregory E. Reynolds

Colin Duriez: Francis Schaeffer: An Authentic Life - March 29, 2009 Reviewed by: Gregory E. Reynolds

Eric H. Sigward: From Harvard to Hell and Back - May 07, 2006 Reviewed by: G. I. Williamson

David McWilliams: Galatians - December 18, 2011 Reviewed by: Glen J. Clary

Phillip Graham Ryken: Galatians (Reformed Expository Commentary) - September 30, 2007 Reviewed by: Eric B. Watkins

Robert Letham: Gamechangers: Key Figures of the Christian Church - August 21, 2016 Reviewed by: Alan D. Strange

Timothy Keller: Generous Justice: How God's Grace Makes Us Just - October 16, 2011 Reviewed by: Tony Monaghan

John S. Leonard: Get Real: Sharing Your Everyday Faith Every Day - May 03, 2015 Reviewed by: Larry Oldaker

Carolyn Mahaney and Nicole Mahaney Whitacre: Girl Talk - April 15, 2007 Reviewed by: Patricia Clawson

Michael Horton: God of Promise: Introducing Covenant Theology - February 08, 2009 Reviewed by: Gregory E. Reynolds

Douglas Bond: God Sings! (And Ways We Think He Ought To) - December 06, 2020 Reviewed by: Jonathan Landry Cruse

Faye Hake: God's Word Is…: The Bible's Metaphors for Itself - September 14, 2014 Reviewed by: Allen D. Curry

Ilana M. Horwitz: God, Grades, and Graduation - August 07, 2022 Reviewed by: Diane Olinger

David White: God, You, and Sex: A Profound Mystery - November 08, 2020 Reviewed by: John W. Mahaffy

Vern S. Poythress: God-Centered Biblical Interpretation - May 20, 2007 Reviewed by: John W. Mahaffy

Joel R. Beeke and Heidi Boorsma: God’s Alphabet for Life - March 18, 2012 Reviewed by: Cara Reynolds

D. Scott Meadows: God’s Astounding Grace: The Doctrines of Grace - November 30, 2014 Reviewed by: Gregory E. Reynolds

Linda Finlayson: God’s Bible Timeline: The Big Book of Biblical History - September 05, 2021 Reviewed by: Sarah Pederson

David VanDrunen: God’s Glory Alone - November 13, 2016 Reviewed by: Geoff Downey

Linda Finlayson: God’s Timeline: The Big Book of Church History - August 05, 2018 Reviewed by: Thomas Sorknes

Timothy Keller: Gospel in Life: Grace Changes Everything - May 29, 2011 Reviewed by: Allen Harris

Brad Bigney: Gospel Treason: Betraying the Gospel with Hidden Idols - June 01, 2014 Reviewed by: Cornelius Tolsma

Bryan Chapell: Grace at Work: Redeeming the Grind and the Glory of Your Job - November 19, 2023 Reviewed by: Joseph W. Smith III

Phil Ryken: Grace Transforming - September 01, 2013 Reviewed by: Joe Troutman

Douglas Bond: Guns of the Lion - February 14, 2010 Reviewed by: Karl A. Bacon

Calvin R. Stapert: Handel's Messiah: Comfort for God's People - December 25, 2011 Reviewed by: Timothy Shafer

Randy Alcorn: Heaven - September 04, 2011 Reviewed by: Stephen Migotsky

John Freeman: Hide or Seek: When Men Get Real with God about Sex - August 28, 2016 Reviewed by: A. Craig Troxel

Timothy Keller: Hope in Times of Fear: The Resurrection and the Meaning of Easter - September 26, 2021 Reviewed by: Jeremiah W. Montgomery

Edmund P. Clowney: How Jesus Transforms the Ten Commandments - August 24, 2008 Reviewed by: Matthew W. Kingsbury

Derek Thomas: How the Gospel Brings Us All the Way Home - May 20, 2012 Reviewed by: Phil Proctor

Brian S. Rosner: How to Find Yourself: Why Looking Inward Is Not the Answer - July 16, 2023 Reviewed by: Nicholas J. Thompson

Bruce Waltke and Fred Zaspel: How to Read and Understand the Psalms - April 14, 2024 Reviewed by: Bryan D. Estelle

Bruce Waltke and Fred Zaspel: How to Read and Understand the Psalms - September 15, 2024 Reviewed by: Bryan D. Estelle

Tremper Longman III: How to Read Genesis - January 14, 2007 Reviewed by: John Fesko

Wayne A. Mack: Humility: The Forgotten Virtue - December 03, 2006 Reviewed by: James J. Cassidy

Kevin DeYoung: Impossible Christianity - October 06, 2024 Reviewed by: W. Reid Hankins

Cornelis Van Dam: In the Beginning: Listening to Genesis 1 and 2 - April 03, 2022 Reviewed by: Calvin R. Goligher

Bryan Holstrom: Infant Baptism and the Silence of the New Testament - December 20, 2009 Reviewed by: Bruce H. Hollister

Tedd and Margy Tripp: Instructing a Child's Heart - September 06, 2009 Reviewed by: Stephen B. Green

Richard Alleine: Instructions about Heartwork - March 12, 2006 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

Craig A. Carter: Interpreting Scripture with the Great Tradition - April 07, 2019 Reviewed by: Matthew H. Patton

Ryan M. McGraw & Ryan Speck: Is Church Membership Biblical? - March 26, 2017 Reviewed by: Brett Mahlen

Jonathan Gibson: Isaiah: Good News for the Wayward and Wandering - December 03, 2023 Reviewed by: C. Steven McDaniel Jr.

Iain Murray: J. C. Ryle: Prepared to Stand Alone - August 06, 2017 Reviewed by: Brian De Jong

Leland Ryken: J. I. Packer: An Evangelical Life - November 27, 2016 Reviewed by: Irfon Hughes

Jeanette Li: Jeanette Li: A Girl Born Facing Outside - January 23, 2016 Reviewed by: Miriam G. Moran

Kanye West: Jesus Is King - December 22, 2019 Reviewed by: Jacob VanDrunen

Jim Henderson and Matt Casper: Jim and Casper Go to Church - August 17, 2008 Reviewed by: Danny E. Olinger

R.C. Sproul: John (St. Andrew's Expositional Commentary) - February 06, 2011 Reviewed by: Alan R. Pontier

Murray J. Harris: John 3:16: What’s It All About? - July 09, 2017 Reviewed by: Mark J. Larson

Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley: John Bunyan and the Grace of Fearing God - April 22, 2018 Reviewed by: Robert J. McKelvey

Simonetta Carr: John Calvin - May 09, 2010 Reviewed by: Katharine Olinger

Herman J. Selderhuis: John Calvin: A Pilgrim's Life - October 11, 2009 Reviewed by: Ben Westerveld

Jane Dawson: John Knox - January 21, 2018 Reviewed by: Iain Wright

D. G. Hart: John Williamson Nevin: High Church Calvinist - October 14, 2007 Reviewed by: C. N. Willborn

George M. Marsden: Jonathan Edwards: A Life - September 11, 2005 Reviewed by: David K. Thompson

Mark D. Futato: Joy Comes in the Morning: Psalms for All Seasons - August 27, 2006 Reviewed by: Robert E. Tarullo

Francis Turretin: Justification - June 05, 2005 Reviewed by: Larry Wilson

Brian Vickers: Justification by Grace through Faith - August 03, 2014 Reviewed by: Jonathan Hutchison

Christiane Tietz: Karl Barth: A Life in Conflict - August 14, 2022 Reviewed by: James J. Cassidy

William D. Dennison: Karl Marx - August 19, 2018 Reviewed by: Alan Strange

Camden M. Bucey: Karl Rahner - January 26, 2020 Reviewed by: Danny E. Olinger

Margaret Kim Peterson: Keeping House: The Litany of Everyday Life - May 31, 2009 Reviewed by: Diane L. Olinger

Lou Priolo: Keeping Your Cool: A Teen’s Survival Guide - July 24, 2016 Reviewed by: Kelli Clifford

Amazon: Kindle Wireless Reading Device - October 10, 2010 Reviewed by: Gregory E. Reynolds

Jim Cromarty: King of the Cannibals:The Story of John G. Patton - May 28, 2006 Reviewed by: Larry Wilson

Philip G. Ryken: Kingdom, Come! - March 16, 2014 Reviewed by: Everett A. Henes

Mark Jones: Knowing Christ - July 17, 2016 Reviewed by: Ryan M. McGraw

Murdo Macleod: Knox: The Life and Legacy of Scotland’s Controversial Reformer - October 23, 2016 Reviewed by: Nancy & Larry Mehne

Simonetta Carr: Lady Jane Grey - November 25, 2012 Reviewed by: Katharine Olinger

Camden Bucey: Lamentations, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah: A 12-Week Study - March 10, 2019 Reviewed by: William M. Wood

Pamela York: Lay Down This World: Hymns and Spirituals - March 24, 2013 Reviewed by: William Edgar

J. Cameron Fraser: Learning from Lord Mackay: Life and Work in Two Kingdoms - June 03, 2018 Reviewed by: Gregory E. Reynolds

Sinclair B. Ferguson: Let's Study Ephesians - October 22, 2006 Reviewed by: Benjamin W. Miller

Eric Metaxas: Letter to the American Church - September 03, 2023 Reviewed by: Alan D. Strange

Barry Waugh: Letters from the Front: J. Gresham Machen's Correspondence from World War I - October 21, 2012 Reviewed by: D. G. Hart, Allen Tomlinson

W. Dale Cramer: Levi's Will - July 06, 2014 Reviewed by: Norman De Jong

Norman De Jong: Lies, Lies, and More Lies! Waging War with Satan - February 21, 2010 Reviewed by: K. Dale Collison

Octavius Winslow: Life in Jesus: A Memoir of Mary Winslow - November 23, 2014 Reviewed by: Susan Winslow

William Edgar: Lifting the Veil: The Face of Truth - July 15, 2006 Reviewed by: Alan D. Strange

Lester De Koster: Light for the City: The Preaching of John Calvin - May 15, 2005 Reviewed by: David M. VanDrunen

Glenda Mathes: Little One Lost, Living with Early Infant Loss - April 28, 2013 Reviewed by: Gordon Cook, John Mahaffy

Joel R. Beeke and James A. La Belle: Living by God's Promises - September 18, 2011 Reviewed by: Kevin M. Kisler

Joel R. Beeke & James A. La Belle: Living by God's Promises - May 27, 2012 Reviewed by: Scott Weirick

Joel R. Beeke and James A. La Belle: Living in a Godly Marriage - February 26, 2017 Reviewed by: Allen Tomlinson

David VanDrunen: Living in God's Two Kingdoms - May 08, 2011 Reviewed by: Martin Emmrich

Kathleen Buswell Nielson: Living Word Bible Studies - November 21, 2010 Reviewed by: Becki Whetsel

Logos Bible Software: Logos 5.2a (the Reformed Platinum package) - February 22, 2015 Reviewed by: Shane Lems

Dennis L. Disselkoen: Losing a Spouse: A Widower’s Way - July 25, 2021 Reviewed by: John M. Fikkert

Paul David Tripp: Lost in the Middle: Midlife and the Grace of God - December 11, 2005 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

Christian Smith: Lost in Transition: The Dark Side of Emerging Adulthood - November 10, 2013 Reviewed by: T. David Gordon

D. A. Carson: Love in Hard Places - April 23, 2006 Reviewed by: George W. Knight III

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage: Loving in God's Story of Grace - October 18, 2015 Reviewed by: Donna Hausler

Carl Trueman: Luther on the Christian Life: Cross and Freedom - November 01, 2015 Reviewed by: Nathan Holloway

Charles H. Dunahoo: Making Kingdom Disciples: A New Framework - October 30, 2005 Reviewed by: Stephen D. Doe.

Timothy Keller: Making Sense of God: An Invitation to the Skeptical - September 02, 2018 Reviewed by: Dale Van Dyke

Marcus Loane: Masters of the English Reformation - October 28, 2007 Reviewed by: James Edward McGoldrick

Megan Hill: Meg Is Not Alone - February 25, 2024 Reviewed by: Tiffany Ward

Jim Scott Orrick: Mere Calvinism - January 05, 2020 Reviewed by: Cornelius Tolsma

Christopher Watkin: Michel Foucault - September 01, 2019 Reviewed by: James J. Cassidy

Eugene Genovese: Miss Betsey: A Memoir of Marriage - September 16, 2012 Reviewed by: Charles M. Wingard

J. Cameron Fraser: Missionary Baptism and Evangelical Unity - July 17, 2022 Reviewed by: James W. Scott

John M. L. Young: Missions: The Biblical Motive and Aim - July 20, 2008 Reviewed by: Philip T. Proctor

Jim Newheiser: Money, Debt, and Finances: Critical Questions and Answers - December 05, 2021 Reviewed by: Matthew R. Miner

Christian Smith: Moral, Believing Animals: Human Personhood and Culture - December 18, 2005 Reviewed by: James W. Scott

Aimee Byrd: No Little Women - November 26, 2017 Reviewed by: Elizabeth Holmlund

John M. Frame: No Other God: A Response to Open Theism - June 17, 2007 Reviewed by: Larry Wilson

David S. Apple: Not Just a Soup Kitchen: How Mercy Ministry in the Local Church Transforms Us All - December 27, 2015 Reviewed by: Deacon Board, Grace Reformed Church (OPC), Reedsburg, Wis

Iain M. Duguid: Numbers: Gods Presence in the Wilderness - February 17, 2008 Reviewed by: Jonathan Stark

Bob McKelvey: Nutonius of Acornshire - August 11, 2019 Reviewed by: Cliff Leigh

John Murray: O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? - October 21, 2018 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

William Gouge: Of Domestical Duties - October 19, 2008 Reviewed by: John P. Jambura

Martin Emmrich: Old and New: Jesus’ Seven Parables of the Kingdom - November 27, 2022 Reviewed by: Ken B. Montgomery

Greg Lanier: Old Made New: A Guide to the New Testament Use of the Old Testament - September 10, 2023 Reviewed by: Jeremiah A. Dickinson

Kenneth A. Kitchen: On the Reliability of the Old Testament - January 01, 2006 Reviewed by: James T. Dennison, Jr.

Richard D. Phillips: Only One Way? - March 23, 2008 Reviewed by: William M. Hobbs

Mark G. Johnston: Our Creed: For Every Culture and Every Generation - April 21, 2013 Reviewed by: Calvin D. Keller

Robert A. Peterson: Our Secure Salvation: Preservation and Apostasy - August 07, 2011 Reviewed by: K. Dale Collison

David B. Calhoun: Our Southern Zion: Old Columbia Seminary - July 28, 2013 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

Kelly M. Kapic and Justin Taylor, Eds.: Overcoming Sin and Temptation - July 06, 2008 Reviewed by: John D. Van Meerbeke

Joel R. Beeke: Overcoming the World: Grace to Win the Daily Battle - December 04, 2005 Reviewed by: Brian De Jong

Stephanie O. Hubach: Parenting and Disabilities: Abiding in God’s Presence - January 16, 2022 Reviewed by: George and Donna Hammond

Jeanne Damoff: Parting the Waters: Finding Beauty in Brokenness - July 19, 2009 Reviewed by: Lacy Andrews

Jeremy Walker: Passing Through: Pilgrim Life in the Wilderness - October 30, 2016 Reviewed by: Robert S. Arendale

Michael S. Horton: People and Place: A Covenant Ecclesiology - January 10, 2010 Reviewed by: J. V. Fesko

Guy M. Richard: Persistent Prayer - May 29, 2022 Reviewed by: Albert J. Tricarico, Jr.

J. H. Bavinck: Personality and Worldview - August 04, 2024 Reviewed by: Daniel Schrock

Dennis E. Johnson: Philippians (Reformed Expository Commentary) - January 18, 2015 Reviewed by: Chad Bond

Robert Elmer. Ed.: Piercing Heaven: Prayers of the Puritans - November 29, 2020 Reviewed by: Gregory E. Reynolds

R. A. Sheats: Pierre Viret: The Angel of the Reformation - June 22, 2014 Reviewed by: G. I. Williamson

John Bunyan: Pilgrim's Progress - December 15, 2013 Reviewed by: Anne Shaw

Steven J. Lawson: Pillars of Grace - August 04, 2013 Reviewed by: Mark J. Larson

Lou Priolo: Pleasing People: How Not to Be an "Approval Junkie" - May 17, 2009 Reviewed by: Mark Sumpter

Wayne Grudem: Politics According to the Bible - February 26, 2012 Reviewed by: Paul Viggiano

Ted Turnau: Popologetics: Popular Culture in Christian Perspective - January 06, 2013 Reviewed by: Allen D. Curry

Deepak Reju: Pornography: Fighting for Purity - January 19, 2020 Reviewed by: William Shishko

Herman Hanko: Portraits of Faithful Saints - August 19, 2007 Reviewed by: Larry Wilson

Karl A. Bacon: Prairie Dog Town: A Civil War Novel - December 10, 2017 Reviewed by: Richard R. Gerber

Tim Keller: Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God - January 22, 2017 Reviewed by: Jeremiah Montgomery

Kathleen Nielson: Prayers of a Parent - July 31, 2022 Reviewed by: Lisa Moelker

Gordon J. Keddie: Prayers of the Bible: 366 Devotionals to Encourage Your Prayer Life - November 11, 2018 Reviewed by: William Shishko, Candyce D. Magee

Susan Hunt: Prayers of the Bible: Equipping Women to Call on God in Truth - September 30, 2012 Reviewed by: Priscilla King

Sidney Greidanus: Preaching Christ from Ecclesiastes - September 25, 2011 Reviewed by: Meredith M. Kline

Sidney Greidanus: Preaching Christ from the Psalms - November 05, 2017 Reviewed by: Everett Henes

Edmund P. Clowney: Preaching Christ in All of Scripture - June 26, 2005 Reviewed by: Eric Watkins

Timothy Keller: Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism - February 12, 2017 Reviewed by: Gregory E. Reynolds

Richard Sezov: Providence - January 02, 2022 Reviewed by: Margaret D. DeWaard

Hywel R. Jones: Psalm 119 for Life - December 23, 2012 Reviewed by: Rodney T. King

Christopher Ash: Psalms for You - April 07, 2024 Reviewed by: Larry E. Wilson

Glenda Faye Mathes & Joel R. Beeke: Puritan Heroes - December 15, 2019 Reviewed by: James A. La Belle

J. I. Packer, Ed.: Puritan Papers: Volume 5, 1968-1969 - September 03, 2006 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

Bob Cutillo: Pursuing Health in an Anxious Age - February 14, 2021 Reviewed by: Gordon H. Cook, Jr.

Simonetta Carr: Questions Women Asked - October 16, 2022 Reviewed by: Abby Harting

Stephen J. Nichols: R. C. Sproul: A Life - October 03, 2021 Reviewed by: David M. Sarafolean

David Gibson: Radically Whole: Gospel Healing for the Divided Heart - December 31, 2023 Reviewed by: Tyler C. Detrick

A. S. Ibrahim: Reaching Your Muslim Neighbor with the Gospel - October 15, 2023 Reviewed by: Ashraf Guirgues

Paul David Tripp: Reactivity: How the Gospel Transforms Our Actions and Reactions - March 03, 2024 Reviewed by: Benedict R. Ciavolella

Zack Eswine: Recovering Eden: The Gospel according to Ecclesiastes - August 02, 2015 Reviewed by: Joseph W. Smith III

Vern S. Poythress: Redeeming Science: A God-Centered Approach - May 06, 2012 Reviewed by: Stephen A. Migotsky

W. Robert Godfrey: Reformation Sketches - April 02, 2006 Reviewed by: G. I. Williamson

Jonathan Master: Reformed Theology - May 05, 2024 Reviewed by: Michael Grasso

Marvin Olasky: Reforming Journalism - December 13, 2020 Reviewed by: Judith M. Dinsmore

Michael Reeves: Rejoicing in Christ - December 04, 2016 Reviewed by: Daniel J. Dillard

Simonetta Carr: Renée of France - December 01, 2013 Reviewed by: Katherine VanDrunen

Richard Lints, Ed.: Renewing the Evangelical Mission - July 27, 2014 Reviewed by: David A. Booth

Carl R. Trueman: Republocrat: Confessions of a Liberal Conservative - April 24, 2011 Reviewed by: Brenton C. Ferry

David Murray: Reset: Living a Grace-Paced Life in a Burnout Culture - April 19, 2020 Reviewed by: Matthew Miner

Lou Priolo: Resolving Conflict: How to Make, Disturb, and Keep Peace - September 24, 2017 Reviewed by: Danny Patterson

John Dunlop, MD: Retiring Well - June 11, 2023 Reviewed by: Gregory S. De Jong

Sarah Ivill: Revelation: Let the One Who Is Thirsty Come - October 05, 2014 Reviewed by: Diane Poythress

Ransom H. Poythress: Richard Dawkins - June 23, 2019 Reviewed by: Robert Y. Eckardt

Martin Downes, Ed.: Risking the Truth: Handling Error in the Church - January 17, 2010 Reviewed by: Greg Hoadley

Sean Michael Lucas: Robert Lewis Dabney: A Southern Presbyterian Life - January 15, 2006 Reviewed by: T. David Gordon

J. V. Fesko: Romans - April 14, 2019 Reviewed by: Ben C. Dunson

Michael G. Brown and Zach Keele: Sacred Bond: Covenant Theology Explored - August 18, 2013 Reviewed by: L. Charles Jackson

Bryan D. Estelle: Salvation Through Judgment and Mercy - October 08, 2006 Reviewed by: Jonathan Stark

R. C. Sproul: Saved from What? and When Worlds Collide - June 11, 2006 Reviewed by: Larry Wilson

D. A. Carson: Scandalous: The Cross and Resurrection of Jesus - May 01, 2011 Reviewed by: Everett A. Henes

Michael G. Brown: Second Timothy - June 18, 2023 Reviewed by: Ethan J. Bolyard

Mary Jane Gruett: Shadow of the Phoenix - July 08, 2012 Reviewed by: Mary Jo Miller

Edward T. Welch: Side by Side: Walking with Others in Wisdom and Love - October 16, 2016 Reviewed by: Allen D. Curry

Carolyn Leutwiler: Singleness Redefined: Living Life to the Fullest - April 12, 2009 Reviewed by: Stella Hoadley

Rebecca Frawley: Sketches from Church History: Student Workbook - June 01, 2008 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

Liz Tolsma: Snow on the Tulips - May 10, 2015 Reviewed by: Patricia E. Clawson

Andrew T. Walker, Editor: Social Conservatism for the Common Good - July 14, 2024 Reviewed by: Donald M. Poundstone

Miriam G. Moran: Someone to Be with Roxie - June 12, 2016 Reviewed by: Patricia E. Clawson

Iain M. Duguid: Song of Songs - March 18, 2018 Reviewed by: Joseph W. Smith III

Andrew Wilson: Sophie and the Heidelberg Cat - January 17, 2021 Reviewed by: Wilson

John J. Hughes, Ed.: Speaking the Truth in Love: The Theology of John M. Frame - October 17, 2010 Reviewed by: Jeffrey C. Waddington

Richard Pratt, Ed.: Spirit of the Reformation Study Bible - March 05, 2006 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

D. G. Hart: Still Protesting: Why the Reformation Matters - June 16, 2019 Reviewed by: Tyler D. Gaastra

Barbara R. Duguid: Streams of Mercy: Prayers of Confession and Celebration - February 03, 2019 Reviewed by: Jesse A. J. Pirschel

Paul David Tripp: Suffering: Gospel Hope When Life Doesn’t Make Sense - July 21, 2019 Reviewed by: Stephen A. Migotsky

Ray Rhodes Jr.: Susie: The Life and Legacy of Susannah Spurgeon - June 30, 2019 Reviewed by: Pamela Malkus

Robert Letham: Systematic Theology - August 23, 2020 Reviewed by: Brian Wingard and John Muether

John M. Frame: Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief - November 16, 2014 Reviewed by: Jeffery A. Landis

Richard Mouw: Talking with Mormons: An Invitation to Evangelicals - May 05, 2013 Reviewed by: Jody O. Morris

Dan and Karen Vitco: Teach Them the Faith - August 01, 2010 Reviewed by: Daniel Sullivan

Chris Martin: Terms of Service: The Real Cost of Social Media - April 23, 2023 Reviewed by: Gregory E. Reynolds

J. Cameron Fraser: Thandabantu: The Man Who Loved the People - May 22, 2011 Reviewed by: Gregory E. Reynolds

Anthony Selvaggio: The 24/7 Christian: Practical Help from the Book of James - December 27, 2009 Reviewed by: Daniel F. Patterson

George C. Scipione: The Battle for the Biblical Family - June 02, 2019 Reviewed by: David P. Bush

Joel R. Beeke: The Beauty and Glory of God’s Word - October 01, 2017 Reviewed by: Cliff L. Blair

Joel R. Beeke, Ed.: The Beauty and Glory of the Father - September 21, 2014 Reviewed by: Jonathan B. Falk

Douglas Bond: The Betrayal: A Novel on John Calvin - August 22, 2010 Reviewed by: Karl A. Bacon

David Powlison: The Biblical Counseling Movement: History and Context - March 27, 2011 Reviewed by: Daniel F. Patterson

Bruce K. Waltke: The Book of Proverbs: Chapters 1-15 - October 01, 2006 Reviewed by: Zachary R. Keele

Catherine MacKenzie: The Born to Be King series: - April 08, 2007 Reviewed by: Diane Olinger

Herman J. Selderhuis: The Calvin Handbook - February 27, 2011 Reviewed by: Jack W. Sawyer

Douglas Wilson: The Case for Classical Christian Education - September 18, 2005 Reviewed by: Larry Oldaker

O. Palmer Robertson: The Christ of the Prophets - August 06, 2006 Reviewed by: Bryan Estelle

Stuart Robinson: The Church of God as an Essential Element of the Gospel - September 23, 2012 Reviewed by: John Muether

Thomas Haweis: The Communicant’s Spiritual Companion - June 26, 2016 Reviewed by: J. V. Fesko

John R. Bower: The Confession of Faith: A Critical Text and Introduction - July 18, 2021 Reviewed by: John R. Muether and Ryan M. McGraw

Brian W. Kinney: The Confessions of Our Faith - June 21, 2009 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

Carl R. Trueman: The Creedal Imperative - September 15, 2013 Reviewed by: David J. Robbins

Erwin W. Lutzer: The Da Vinci Deception - September 17, 2006 Reviewed by: David G. Barker

Jeremiah W. Montgomery: The Dark Faith - November 03, 2013 Reviewed by: Katharine Olinger

D. A. Carson: The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God - April 16, 2006 Reviewed by: George W. Knight III

John M. Frame: The Doctrine of the Christian Life - August 30, 2009 Reviewed by: Tony Monaghan

John M. Frame: The Doctrine of the Word of God - February 19, 2012 Reviewed by: James W. Scott

Shane P. Lems: The Doctrines of Grace: Student Edition - August 14, 2016 Reviewed by: David C. Noe

Cornelis Van Dam: The Elder: Today's Ministry Rooted in All of Scripture - November 14, 2010 Reviewed by: Mark R. Brown

John Murray: The Epistle to the Romans - September 24, 2023 Reviewed by: Ryan M. McGraw

K. Scott Oliphint: The Faithful Apologist - May 12, 2024 Reviewed by: Allen D. Curry

Arnold L. Frank: The Fear of God: A Forgotten Doctrine - July 05, 2009 Reviewed by: Carl W. Bogue

Craig R. Brown: The Five Dilemmas of Calvinism - August 02, 2009 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

John Piper: The Future of Justification: A Response to N. T. Wright - May 16, 2010 Reviewed by: Alan D. Strange

Abigail Favale: The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory - January 21, 2024 Reviewed by: John A. Hartley

Christopher W. Morgan & Robert A. Peterson, Ed.: The Glory of God - June 17, 2012 Reviewed by: Mark A. Garcia

D. A. Carson: The God Who Is There: Finding Your Place in God's Story - February 12, 2012 Reviewed by: Andrew H. Selle

DeLacy A. Andrews, Jr.: The Godly Shepherd Chronicles: The Pilgrimage - June 14, 2015 Reviewed by: Richard R. Gerber

David J. Randall: The Gospel According to Christ’s Enemies - July 28, 2024 Reviewed by: Michael Shingler

Rosaria Champagne Butterfield: The Gospel Comes with a House Key - November 25, 2018 Reviewed by: Rebecca Sodergren

R.T. France : The Gospel of Matthew - August 31, 2008 Reviewed by: G. I. Williamson

Murray Capill: The Heart Is the Target - September 07, 2015 Reviewed by: Larry G. Mininger

Crossway Bibles: The Holy Bible: English Standard Version - May 13, 2007 Reviewed by: Everett C. DeVelde

Christopher R. J. Holmes: The Holy Spirit - October 09, 2016 Reviewed by: Ryan M. McGraw

Robert Letham: The Holy Spirit - May 19, 2024 Reviewed by: Robert T. Holda

Christopher N. Phillips: The Hymnal: A Reading History - September 15, 2019 Reviewed by: Timothy P. Shafer

Ric Ergenbright with Dana Ergenbright: The Image of God - January 08, 2006 Reviewed by: Dan Dillard

D. A. Carson: The Intolerance of Tolerance - July 15, 2012 Reviewed by: Joel Pearce

John Bunyan: The Jerusalem Sinner Saved - April 01, 2007 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

Greg Forster: The Joy of Calvinism - March 17, 2013 Reviewed by: Mark Melton

Thomas E. Bergler: The Juvenilization of American Christianity - May 04, 2014 Reviewed by: Gregory E. Reynolds

John R. Bower: The Larger Catechism: A Critical Text and Introduction - January 23, 2011 Reviewed by: Danny E. Olinger

Hank Hanegraaff and Sigmund Brower: The Last Disciple / The Last Sacrifice - February 04, 2007 Reviewed by: Brian D. Nolder

James T. Dennison, Jr., Editor: The Letters of Geerhardus Vos - March 04, 2007 Reviewed by: John Halsey Wood, Jr.

Robert Letham: The Lord's Supper: Eternal Word in Broken Bread - August 12, 2007 Reviewed by: Larry Wilson

Cornelius P. Venema: The Lord’s Supper and the “Popish Mass” - November 20, 2016 Reviewed by: Geoffrey Willour

D. G. Hart: The Lost Soul of American Protestantism - December 23, 2007 Reviewed by: David Holmlund

Kim Riddlebarger: The Man of Sin: Uncovering the Truth about the Antichrist - December 30, 2007 Reviewed by: Brian T. Wingard

Timothy Keller: The Meaning of Marriage - August 12, 2012 Reviewed by: Dick Ellis

Christopher J. H. Wright: The Message of Jeremiah - July 10, 2016 Reviewed by: Matthew H. Patton

Mark Dever: The Message of the Old Testament: Promises Made - March 28, 2010 Reviewed by: Bryan Estelle

Robert Letham: The Message of the Person of Christ - May 25, 2014 Reviewed by: David Graves

Douglas Bond: The Mighty Weakness of John Knox - August 19, 2012 Reviewed by: Larry Wilson

James Montgomery Boice: The Minor Prophets - June 04, 2006 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

Michael A.G. Haykin: The Missionary Fellowship of William Carey - November 24, 2019 Reviewed by: Charles M. Wingard

Iain H. Murray: The Old Evangelicalism - August 13, 2006 Reviewed by: Mark R. Brown

Marty Machowski: The Ology: Ancient Truths, Ever New - April 09, 2017 Reviewed by: Celeste Jenkins

John Piper: The Passion of Jesus Christ - September 04, 2005 Reviewed by: Rob Broline

David Powlison: The Pastor as Counselor: The Call for Soul Care - March 27, 2022 Reviewed by: Richard N. Ellis

Jonathan Griffiths, Ed.: The Perfect Saviour: Key Themes in Hebrews - September 29, 2013 Reviewed by: Donald M. Poundstone

John Carrick: The Preaching of Jonathan Edwards - August 08, 2010 Reviewed by: Brian De Jong

Cornelis P. Venema: The Promise of the Future - August 05, 2007 Reviewed by: Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.

Gordon Wenham: The Psalter Reclaimed - November 29, 2015 Reviewed by: David A. Booth

Rick Warren: The Purpose Driven Life - May 01, 2004 Reviewed by: John V. Fesko

PBS TV show: The Question of God - July 03, 2005 Reviewed by: Eric H. Sigward

Timothy Keller: The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism - November 16, 2008 Reviewed by: Brett A. McNeill

Joel R. Beeke, Ed.: The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible - July 19, 2015 Reviewed by: James W. Scott

Andrew Atherstone: The Reformation: Faith and Flames - November 18, 2012 Reviewed by: Glen J. Clary

Crawford Gribben: The Rise and Fall of Christian Ireland - February 26, 2023 Reviewed by: D. G. Hart

Carl Trueman: The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self - September 25, 2022 Reviewed by: T. David Gordon

Guy Prentiss Waters: The Sabbath as Rest and Hope for the People of God - September 17, 2023 Reviewed by: Roger W. Schmurr

Jeremiah W. Montgomery: The Scarlet Bishop - January 04, 2015 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

William B. Barcley: The Secret of Contentment - June 12, 2011 Reviewed by: Dick Ellis

Rosaria Champagne Butterfield: The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert - February 17, 2013 Reviewed by: Charles R. Biggs, Pam Malkus

Wm. Paul Young: The Shack - June 14, 2009 Reviewed by: John Karas

C. J. Williams: The Shadow of Christ in the Book of Lamentations - November 26, 2023 Reviewed by: Zachary R. Keele

G. I. Williamson: The Song of Songs - September 13, 2020 Reviewed by: W. Vernon Picknally Jr.

Campegius Vitringa: The Spiritual Life - January 12, 2020 Reviewed by: Carl A. P. Durham

David Campbell, Ed.: The Suburbs of Heaven: The Diary of Murdoch Campbell - December 11, 2016 Reviewed by: James W. Campbell

Matthew Levering: The Theology of Augustine - December 08, 2013 Reviewed by: Carl R. Trueman

Fred G. Zaspel: The Theology of B. B. Warfield: A Systematic Summary - December 26, 2010 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

Sinclair B. Ferguson: The Trinitarian Devotion of John Owen - July 03, 2016 Reviewed by: Kim Kuhfuss

Scott R. Swain: The Trinity: An Introduction - April 25, 2021 Reviewed by: Ryan M. McGraw

Fred Sanders: The Triune God - June 18, 2017 Reviewed by: Ryan M. McGraw

Iain H. Murray: The Undercover Revolution: How Fiction Changed Britain - September 13, 2009 Reviewed by: T. David Gordon

Carl R. Trueman: The Wages of Spin - October 16, 2005 Reviewed by: Calvin D. Keller

Steve Smallman: The Walk: Steps for New and Renewed Followers of Jesus - December 12, 2010 Reviewed by: Richard N. Ellis

David Laing, Ed.: The Works of John Knox - February 07, 2016 Reviewed by: Alan D. Strange

Jane Greer: The World as We Know It Is Falling Away - October 29, 2023 Reviewed by: Chris Campbell

Nittany Valley Children's Choir: This Our Joyful Song - April 12, 2015 Reviewed by: Alan D. Strange

K. Scott Oliphint: Thomas Aquinas - September 22, 2019 Reviewed by: Benjamin W. Swinburnson

Alexander Whyte: Thomas Shepard: Pilgrim Father and Founder of Harvard - January 18, 2009 Reviewed by: William Hobbs

Pecknold, Trueman, Hall & Padgett: Three books on Christ and Culture - August 05, 2012 Reviewed by: Richard M. Gamble

Darrell L. Bock: Three Views of the Millennium and Beyond - July 01, 2007 Reviewed by: Goeffrey L. Willour

David Searle: Through the Year With William Still - December 02, 2007 Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

Wes Bredenhof: To Win Our Neighbors for Christ - June 19, 2016 Reviewed by: Jack W. Sawyer

Joel R. Beeke: Tough Questions about the Bible - November 02, 2014 Reviewed by: K. Dale Collison

Joseph W. Smith III: Transparency: A Cure for Hypocrisy in the Modern Church - December 08, 2019 Reviewed by: Timothy G. Herndon

Carolyn Mahaney & Nicole Whitacre: True Beauty - October 15, 2017 Reviewed by: Victoria Van Dixhoorn

R. Scott Smith: Truth and the New Kind of Christian - September 24, 2006 Reviewed by: K. Scott Oliphint

William Edgar: Truth in All Its Glory: Commending the Reformed Faith - January 29, 2006 Reviewed by: Peter J. Wallace

William Powers, Nicholas Carr: Two Books on Managing Electronic distraction - August 26, 2012 Reviewed by: Gregory E. Reynolds

Robert Letham, J. Todd Billings: Two Books on Union with Christ - December 16, 2012 Reviewed by: J. V. Fesko

Paul David Tripp: What Did You Expect? - February 05, 2017 Reviewed by: Ralph A. Rebandt

Jonathan Landry Cruse: What Happens When We Worship - August 15, 2021 Reviewed by: Lowell Ivey

Rachael Denhollander: What Is a Girl Worth? - March 08, 2020 Reviewed by: S. Scott Willet

Gordon H. Clark.: What Is Saving Faith? - May 29, 2005 Reviewed by: Alan D. Strange

A. Craig Troxel: What Is the Priesthood of Believers? - December 01, 2019 Reviewed by: T. David Gordon

John Piper: What Jesus Demands from the World - January 04, 2009 Reviewed by: Sam M. Allison

Anthony Selvaggio: What the Bible Teaches About Marriage - November 04, 2007 Reviewed by: Larry Wilson

Jean Y. Gaffin: Who He Says I Am: A Study of Our Identity in Christ - June 28, 2020 Reviewed by: Robert R. Drake

Edgar Andrews: Who Made God? Searching for a Theory of Everything - July 03, 2011 Reviewed by: Douglas A. Felch

Aimee Byrd: Why Can’t We Be Friends? Avoidance Is Not Purity - December 23, 2018 Reviewed by: Jonathan L. Cruse

Linda Finlayson: William Carey: Expecting Great Things - April 02, 2023 Reviewed by: David B. Carnes

Larry Woiwode: Words Made Fresh - July 22, 2012 Reviewed by: Danny E. Olinger

The Porter’s Gate Worship Project: Work Songs - May 06, 2018 Reviewed by: Jonathan Landry Cruse

Cornelis Van Dam: Worship Matters - March 24, 2024 Reviewed by: Archibald A. Allison

Sinclair Ferguson: Worthy: Living in Light of the Gospel - June 23, 2024 Reviewed by: Robert Arendale

Tim Chester: You Can Pray - January 10, 2016 Reviewed by: Frank Marsh

Albert N. Martin: You Lift Me Up: Overcoming Ministry Challenges - August 30, 2015 Reviewed by: Ryan M. McGraw

Gregory E. Reynolds: Your Father’s L’Abri - May 26, 2024 Reviewed by: Jonathan B. Falk

Gregory Reynolds: Yuletide - December 10, 2023 Reviewed by: Christopher Campbell

Richard D. Phillips: Zechariah - June 22, 2008 Reviewed by: Zachary R. Keele


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